Sidonie 1890

"SS Dresden 1890" is a so-called marking sampler, one of three samplers of this kind in possession of the Saxon Folk Art Museum in Dresden, part of Sidonie Schroeder’s exam as a teacher at a vocational school.
Sidonie Schroeder, born in 1868 in Dresden/Saxony, handed in a very unusual sampler as a young woman in 1890:
She centred all letters that were out of the usual order in size. The border is elaborately worked in double running stitch, or Holbein stitch, by the negative representation. The flowers are not stitched, but they appear in the highlighted stitching grid as an empty space. Sidonie has been a needlework teacher at a primary school in Dresden for a long time.
Sidonie’s work has a size of 50 cm x 36.5 cm, inventory number B 3267.
I thank the members of the staff of the museum, who made it possible for me to make big eyes in their treasury.
Crosses: 177 x 261
Size: 25 x 37 cm
Stitches: Cross stitch, double-running stitch, back stitch