Karolina Kisling 1825

Typical of samplers from the Biedermeier period (1815-1848) is the use of many silk colours and of beautiful coloured needlework motifs: romantic floral tendrils, opulent flower-baskets and fruit bowls as well as small idyllic countryside scenes.
Usually the motifs are arranged in rows and everything is harmoniously placed - often with a visible central axis. In Karolina’s sampler, this axis is formed by the resting-place for sheep and goat, the forget-me-not rose cartouche with her name and the year and the certainly self-designed dachshund.
This kind of design has a very calm and harmonious effect on viewers, it is just beautiful.
I saw Karolina Kisling's sampler dated 1825 for the first time in 1993 during the joint exhibitions “Between school and factory. Textile Women’s Work in Baden in the 19th And 20th Century” of Baden State Museum, Karlsruhe and the Museum for Folklore in Berlin (Feb. 1993 - June 1994).
Coats Mez published a booklet with a coloured needlework pattern for the exhibition. Since that time, I take pleasure in my “dachshund sampler”.
Since this pattern is no longer available I decided to count again Karolina’s sampler after 20 years.
I thank the Baden State Museum, Karlsruhe for the transfer of the photo.
Crosses: 29.5 x 49.5 cm
Size: 210 x 350
Stitches: cross stitch

Not designed by herself after all: I found a picture of a pattern with the dachshund.